K-Turns And Unexpected Dents Mean A Trip To The Body Shop For A Leased Luxury Car

Leasing a luxury car presents a way to acquire a top-notch car without committing to a purchase. Without the hassles of ownership, you can upgrade with no worries. When the lease is up, return the vehicle and sign a contract for a brand-new one. Be mindful that returning the car could lead to some charges for going over the mileage, cleaning, or excess wear and tear. Dents, dings, and scratches fall under the excess wear and tear category. [Read More]

Recovering From An Accident? How To Ensure The Proper Repairs For Your Car

Now that your car has been damaged in an accident, you've got your work cut out for you; the work of having the damage repaired. Unfortunately, insurance companies don't always make it easy for you to get the repairs you need taken care of in a timely manner. In fact, they can make the entire process downright difficult. Here are some tips that will help take the struggle out of getting your car repaired after an accident and while you look for an auto body repair shop. [Read More]

2 Reasons To Have Damage To Your Car's Paint Repaired Immediately After A Collision

After being involved in a collision with either another vehicle or an object, you may have noticed a few scratches or gouges in the paint at the point of impact. Because you believe that this damage is only cosmetic, you may decide to simply live with it. However, there are a couple of reasons why you should have the damage to your car's paint repaired as soon as possible. 1.  Avoids Future Problems with the Paint and Body [Read More]

Wheel Alignment And Your Driving Habits: There Is A Connection

A wheel alignment is one of those maintenance staples that all car owners should expect to perform at some point. However, if you experience misalignment issues routinely, your driving habits might be to blame.  Unsafe Road Conditions If the road is ragged and full of holes, you should avoid the route. As your car rolls through a pothole in the road, it will also dive down into the hole and do so quite aggressively. [Read More]